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It is an honour to pay tribute to one of Fatima’s beloved sons, Fr. Gregory Augustine, whose journey started with his days as a student, to becoming a priest and returning to the College in 1992 to become not only the School Manager and Teacher of Religion and History but eventually our Principal and Leader for 12 years.
Fr Gregory Augustine was born on Thursday 14th December 1961.
His early years of Primary education took place at Newtown Boys RC School and Diego Martin Government School.
He commenced Secondary School at Fatima College in 1974, and graduated in 1981 having completed his Cambridge Advanced Level studies.
Fr Gregory always expressed the desire to be an educator, hence after leaving school he was hired by Sr Mary Eunan HFC (Holy Faith Sister) for a short stint as a teacher at St Monica’s in 1981-1982 for 6 months.
He entered the Tisserant House in Arouca in 1982 where he deepened his discernment and formation in the Religious Life with the Holy Ghost Fathers. He also pursued his studies for the Priesthood which included a B.A in Theology from the University of the West Indies whose courses were delivered at the Seminary of St John Marie Vianney and the Uganda Martyrs.
Fr Gregory was ordained a Deacon in 1992 and was assigned to Fatima College as a teacher of Religion, History, and as School Manager. In the following year, on Sunday 25th April 1993, he was ordained a priest. He became Principal in 2009. It is in this one ministry that he spent over 30 years, faithfully serving the Lord through the sacred work of education at his Alma Mater, and even after his retirement in 2021. Following his retirement, he spent a little over a year away from the College, returning in 2023, to resume being the Manager of Fatima College, and to be Chairman of the Board of Management, Holy Ghost Fathers.
During Fr. Gregory’s tenure, he made tremendous progress in the upkeep and evolution of the infrastructure of the College, thus improving the lives of not only the faculty but the students.
Among his most notable and memorable accomplishments:
- School Hall Refurbishment Project – 2010
- School Library Refurbishment, with Form 6 Study Room – 2011
- School Pavilion and Gym – renovated 2012
- New School Wing – opened 2013
- Smartboards – installed 2016
- Chapel – renovated 2017
- Basketball Court – renovated 2019
Overall impact: the upliftment of Fatima College––spiritually, physically, administratively, inspiringly, and steadfastly.